Ok, in the above picture you'd have to have really good eyes to spot the seals - but they are there. The little specks on the right hand edge of the picture are actually seals out on some rocks several hundred yards off the shore. I included this picture just to give an idea of how far away they are.
We walked further up the shore to get a better view, but still even with a 400mm zoom lens they are still pretty far off:
Here's the same picture cropped a bit so you can see abit more detail:
(And as with just about all the photos I post here, you can click on them for a slightly larger view.)
There was no breeze at all, so the bay was like glass. It would have been a perfect day for kayaking.
They were doing some demolition work on the old Jamestown Bridge - I assume the cranes were being used to remove the few remaining pieces. The new bridge is in the foreground.
The large white building is the old mill building I live in. This is a view of it looking back from Rome Point across Bissel Cove.
And just some last snapshots as the sun was setting....